Part 117: Good evening, then, everyone. And welcome to the new age.
-Under the Moonlight-

We'll be maintaining alert status, but I think we'll be standing down from that ourselves soon.

That's wonderful!

What a friggin' day. Invasion's over and the weirdness at the towers has stopped. Guess we can finally take a break.

One can hope, at any rate.

If only I could understand what the enemy's plan was.


You don't seem like you're in a party mood, Estelle. You upset about the kiddo?


I was just thinking, I was all on a righteous high horse without even knowing why she joined. I think I just made things worse...



I've always been kind of sheltered from the really nasty stuff in the world. So for me to try and save someone like her...

Maybe it really was just a selfish dream.

No, Estelle. I don't think so at all.


Renne is, in the truest sense of the word, a genius. She's capable of understanding any information she comes across and can turn it to her advantage. She's capable to adapting to any situation in her way, and she can control her surroundings perfectly.

As far as I know, she was born with those abilities.

Wow...I knew she was capable, but thinking about it, yeah, that's all true.

Before the society took her in, she a horrible situation. Worse than what I went through, in many ways. Unlike me, though, her heart never really 'broke.' At least not in the same way.

At this point, 'adversity' is just another obstacle to her--one she can overcome with guile or force. Rather than shutting down, she became as flexible as a snake. More so than any of us.

But, but hang on! Even if she wasn't 'heartbroken' or whatever, she still...!

Oh, trust me, I agree. No matter how happy she might say she is, she's still obviously in pain.


It may have been years ago, but in all my time with her--and it was a lot--I've never seen her get that worked up. I think your words reached a part of Renne even she doesn't recognize.

That's something only you could do.


Well, nuts, when you put it like that, how CAN I be depressed?
Don't be sad, Estelle. Be mad at Joshua for knowing about Renne all along and not bothering to warn you.

Just you wait, Renne!

'Next time we meet'...I'll get to your real self!

You can do it, Estelle!

Hmmhmm. Never gives up, does she?

Haha! Wouldn't be Estelle otherwise!

Aaaanyway, uh, that aside.

What DO we do now? I don't feel safe just cruising back to Grancel without knowing what the society was really up to.

In that case, might I suggest a stop at Leiston Fortress? We can consult with General Bright as to what to do next.

Oh, good idea!

I think that's for the best.

Well, then, Julia. Please set course for Leiston.

By your command, mila--
Old Man's Voice: BLAST IT ALL! BLAST IT!

Professor? What's wrong? You seem really worked up!

That data crystal you found in the tower! Capel just finished analyzing it!

Uh. Okay?

Calm down, Professor. What was recorded on it?

The function of the Tetracyclic Towers! You were part! The four towers were built to keep the Aureole sealed away in another dimension!

A...Hang on, what now?

In another DIMENSION? How in the world...? WHY in the...?

So the shadow towers were--

Yes, I suspect you're among the first humans in a millennium to travel dimensionally.

And the Gospels. They're--
Man's Voice: Yes, indeed. Conduits for the power of the Shining Ring.
-Release from the Spell, And...-



How in the hell?

That man...Is that...?


H-How is he doing this without authorization...?

Leon, report! What's going on?!
Comm. Officer Leon: I, I don't know, ma'am! I just noticed we received a transmission, and then we lost control!

Forced computer entry...'Hacking,' some call it.

I suppose having these advanced computers aboard the Arseille backfired on us.
Hahaha. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Professor Russell. Yes, it's just as you suppose. I must admit surprise you were able to realize such a system on your own. Though I suppose it's no surprise, coming from a student of Epstein himself.

Hmph. As full of yourself as a balloon.

I'll point out, 'Professor' Weissmann, that our flight controls are not networked to any other system. You won't be able to crash us or force open our doors or any other such harebrained nonsense.
I wouldn't dream of it, regardless. I simply wanted to contact you to ensure you were properly informed and prepared. To make sure you knew of the coming moment of glory.


Moment of...No!
Hahaha...Let me see, given your position, the best place to see it should be your foredeck. Good evening, then, everyone. And welcome to the new age.

Let's get to the deck!

Best seen from the foredeck...


Video: The Aureole
-The Greatest Treasure Released-


My goodness.

Ahaha! Holy hell, that's something.

*giggle* Isn't it just wonderful?

Ahaha! This is astounding!

Now I understand why you were making such a big deal out of it!

Ha, it's nice to see that all of you understand its worth. The Aureole itself had long been sealed away in another dimension.

Despite this, it has always been possible for it to influence our own dimension through the Gospels, which act as terminals. There was just one problem: We had no access to the originals, and so we were forced to create replicas. Only the most accurate would do--any less, and the Aureole would have remained forever unattainable.

After much trial and error, we managed to successfully create perfect replicas. These true Gospels finally allowed the Aureole to remove the shackles that restricted its power. And so here it is, having returned from the dark abyss in which it was sealed.

That was the purpose of stage three of the plan, I assume?

Heh-heh-heh. Indeed. My comrades-in-arms, thanks to your labors, the third stage is complete! And now, our plan moves into its final stage...